


Aggregate Financing to the Real Economy(flow) by Province(The First Three Quarters of 2019)
Unit: 100 Million Yuan
  地区社会融资规模增量 其中:                                                                                                                      Of which:
Aggregate financing to the real economy(flow) by province 人民币贷款 外币贷款(折合人民币) 委托贷款 信托贷款 未贴现银行承兑汇票  企业债券 地方政府专项债券 非金融企业境内股票融资 存款类金融机构资产支持证券 贷款核销
RMB  loans Foreign currency-denominated loans (RMB equivalent) Entrusted loans Trust loans Undiscounted bankers'  acceptances Net financing of corporate bonds Local government special bonds Equity financing on the domestic stock market by non-financial enterprises Asset-backed securities of depository financial institutions Loans written off
北京 Beijing 10586 5008 53 -1344 -890 -848 5297 961 343 1624 75
天津 Tianjin 2892 2235 -202 -324 -168 -667 707 818 86 61 277
河北 Hebei 6431 4286 -15 167 166 -283 473 1052 39 -2 307
山西 Shanxi 3302 2126 92 53 -82 -73 547 401 30 -40 131
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 1281 928 -8 -7 35 -387 130 408 15 0 90
辽宁 Liaoning 2859 3664 -39 -621 -153 -547 -103 216 23 0 246
吉林 Jilin 2261 1432 -12 121 -27 -21 167 380 8 0 99
黑龙江 Heilongjiang 2085 849 1 -42 1027 -138 -29 251 10 0 44
上海 Shanghai 7091 4154 160 -326 -303 302 2122 572 282 -243 72
江苏 Jiangsu 20188 14676 -283 -581 267 1043 2379 1682 178 26 337
浙江 Zhejiang 16415 12883 -158 -276 2 110 1736 1125 172 67 302
安徽 Anhui 6431 4813 8 -454 517 -387 342 1186 75 20 99
福建 Fujian 7661 5203 42 -63 -324 345 814 812 47 356 227
江西 Jiangxi 5716 4109 -24 -82 186 -255 809 649 20 -3 163
山东 Shandong 11811 7597 16 -206 -88 -29 1355 1629 101 -10 1061
河南 Henan 8910 6498 125 -176 238 12 465 960 84 0 364
湖北 Hubei 6917 5125 153 -190 -108 -174 658 975 32 33 190
湖南 Hunan 7008 4854 -4 68 165 -186 765 1008 24 -22 123
广东 Guangdong 21273 17634 -529 -548 -1112 -792 3300 1815 400 46 389
广西 Guangxi 3935 2902 22 -95 0 213 116 526 51 -6 91
海南 Hainan 698 483 -22 -68 0 9 -22 204 5 0 77
重庆 Chongqing 3879 3760 74 -72 5 -150 -833 745 8 -18 65
四川 Sichuan 7909 5622 83 -359 -244 -25 1183 860 34 -3 329
贵州 Guizhou 3705 2930 4 -18 11 154 226 176 0 6 104
云南 Yunnan 3820 2438 11 -90 141 -146 539 633 45 -20 130
西藏 Tibet 16 173 0 16 -147 -63 22 7 1 0 0
陕西 Shaanxi 3644 3121 -19 99 -663 32 420 431 61 -20 54
甘肃 Gansu 1497 995 -38 -22 39 -264 152 402 29 0 99
青海 Qinghai 1057 48 2 17 710 101 13 124 0 0 19
宁夏 Ningxia 604 408 -5 -10 0 -81 -23 154 82 0 59
新疆 Xinjiang 2071 1216 -2 -119 -131 176 183 497 58 0 66
Note1: "Aggregate Financing to the Real Economy(AFRE,flow) by province" refers to the total volume of financing provided by the financial system to the real economy during a certain period of time in each province. 
Note2: The statistics is provisional.
Note3: Source of data: PBC, CBIRC, CSRC, CCDC and NAFMII.
Note4: AFRE provided by headquarters of financial institutions is 402.6 billion Yuan.
Note5: Since September 2019, the People’s Bank of China improved the statistics of Net Financing of Corporate Bonds in AFRE, and incorporated "Asset-backed Securities of Non-Financial Enterprises" into “Net Financing of Corporate Bonds”.  Since July 2018, the People’s Bank of China improved the statistical method of AFRE, and incorporated "Asset-backed Securities of Depository Financial Institutions" and "Loans Written off" into AFRE, which is reflected as a sub-item of "Other Financing".   Since September 2018, the People’s Bank of China incorporated "Local government special bonds" into AFRE, which is recorded when claims and obligations are registered at depositories.


未经允许不得转载:信用帝 » 央行发布2019年前三季度地区社会融资规模统计表

